Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Photo Essay

Photo by Sue Vruno
My friend Sue is a photographer, and a very good one. I invited her down to the bee yard mid summer to capture some images of the bees. I am somewhat spellbound by what she captured. The detail in her work is captivating. Fortunately our trip was during a major nectar flow so the bees were very docile. Sue was able to take photos while the bees were completely consumed with tending to the brood, bringing in nectar and capping honey. Below are a few of the stunning images she captured. It was a fun day and I am grateful to have such amazing photos of the bees at work. Thanks Sue!

Crazy Comb Photo by Sue Vruno
Sticky business Photo by Sue Vruno
Moving Wax? Photo by Sue Vruno
Photo by Sue Vruno

Capping honey Photo by Sue Vruno
Capping Honey Photo by Sue Vruno
Packing in the Honey Photo by Sue Vruno
Tending to the Brood Photo by Sue Vruno
Photo by Sue Vruno
A Pile of Bees Photo by Sue Vruno

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